Travel Agencies Take to the Clouds and Fly Higher with nuTRAACS
ABSTRACT: Travel Agencies that have adopted cloud computing are flying high. Cloud computing has leveled the playing field enabling small businesses to compete head-to-head with larger enterprises. Customers no longer assume that larger means better. With nuTRAACS, Nucore’s cloud-based Agency Management Platform, smaller agencies can pull ahead of any competitor regardless of size.
Information Technology Does Not Have to Be Expensive
Flexibility, efficiency, and the strategic value of cloud computing has had a major influence on digital transformations for more than a decade. The competitive gains realizable for smaller businesses and the cost reductions for all users has shifted IT solutions away from expensive dedicated systems to low cost, low maintenance shared resources.
Cloud computing provides flexibility in scalability, storage, security, application, and control. Efficiency is improved through accessibility, time to market, data leakage, and payment for only the resources used. Strategic values are derived from streamlines workflows, regular and automatic updates, collaboration, and a competitive advantage in cost of operations and services to customers.
Cloud services eliminate hardware maintenance and software updating. Backup and disaster recovery become outsourced services. Adding additional capacity, bandwidth and new applications are done by cloud services, not inhouse IT staffing, and deployment of new features and capabilities is faster.
The net result is in-house IT functions and skill requirements are drastically reduced without sacrificing functionality or customer quality of service. Quite the opposite is more common: customer satisfaction and loyalties are increased due to faster responses, less mistakes, and an increased quality of service.
More Gain, Less Pain
TRAACS, Nucore’s accounting and financial control system, is the foundation of its Agency Management Platform. TRAACS provides the financial and transactional data needed for all platform applications from bookings to payments. Most importantly, TRAACS processes transactions in real time providing up-to-the-second financial data on-demand.
“nuTRAACS” is the cloud deployment of TRAACS. nuTRAACS and cloud computing were made for each other. Benefits derived from one compound the benefits of the other.
With nuTRAACS’ real time information and the cloud’s remote accessibility, transactional workflows can be executed by multiple team members in different locations. Branch managers have access to accurate account information and consolidated branch financials from anywhere at any time.
Not only are Virtual Agencies easier to set up and faster to bring “online”, but they are also no longer limited by a lack of accurate and up-to-date information. Furthermore, expansion due to growth is essentially transparent. Travel Management Companies and their corporate accounts would realize the same nuTRAACS and cloud computing benefits.
What can nuTRAACS do for your Agency or Travel Management Company?
No two companies are the same. Management, policies, staffing, and organization are all different. Nucore analysts can review your operation and provide an estimate of the gains nuTRAACS can deliver for your organization. A Nucore systems analyst may also be able to help you Determine the best alternative to resolve a specific operational problem you may have identified.