The benefits of Multi-Currency, Data Export Ease-of-Use
For Your Customers
Serving clients in different countries and reconciling with international banks is much simpler, and less error prone, if the client, agent, or bank can deal in their preferred currency.
Maintaining multi-currency accounting allows management, agents, and clients to communicate in their preferred currency. Eliminating the need to convert currencies reduces errors, shortens the transaction time, and makes clients more comfortable when using your agency.
For Your Agency
From an accounting viewpoint, being able to maintain multiple currency ledgers simplifies the resolution of reconciliation differences. From a management viewpoint, knowing the gain or loss due to changing currency valuations facilitates improved cash management and optimizes the most favorable timing of cross-currency invoicing and settlements.
Many agencies export financial data to be analyzed for management or used as a data feed to other applications.
Exporting data, particularly in large amounts, typically requires a Transformation process between Exporting data from its source to Loading data to a different application (the ETL process). TRAACS, the agency platform’s financial system, supports exporting any financial report directly to any third-party MS Excel compatible program or integrated application without the need to manually reformat or “cleanse” the exported data. Eliminating Transformation, particularly when done manually – as is the case in most agencies – saves time, reduces labor, and lowers the required level of expertise.

If an agency has not exported data for further analysis due to the complexity of the required ETL process, then the simplification of exporting with Nucore’s Agency Management Platform will allow non-Excel experts to feed data directly into third party applications for sales reports, management dashboards, or other Oral steroids put patients with inflammatory disease at high risk of infection – Tech Explorist sustanon 350 dosage foxroids.com >> top steroid sources sites >> anabolic-steroids.us purposes.
Nucore exporting includes all hidden rows and columns, does not alter special characters, and retains original alignments.
Nucore’s Agency Management Platform is fully multi-currency capable. The platform can export any financial or management report as a 100% MS Excel compatible CVS data stream or excel document.