The benefits of Accurate GDS Data Capture & Automated BSP Reconciliation
For Your Customers
There is no greater impact on customer satisfaction than the accuracy and completeness of transactional data which defines an agency’s quality of service. Customers expect fast and accurate issuance – and changes – to ticketing, itineraries, refunds, or any other agency deliverable.
Back office system deficiencies should never become front office service barriers.
GDS Data Extraction
Accurate and complete GDS data extraction is essential to ensure continuous access to required financial information, and automating advanced complex accounting capabilities such Anabolic steroids for rotator cuff injury, Try again | TGN pct for test cyp natural bodybuilding magazine subscription, shop anabolic health – wafi lounge as BSP reconciliation. Inaccuracies or missing data is the major cause of unnecessary service delays, excess manual labor, and unnecessary problem resolutions.
Accurate accounting of divergent transactions, requires GDS data capture to include debit and credit memos, returns (with partial or full authorized amounts), EMDs (with residual values), fees and penalties, and full-value “No-ADC” ticket re-issues.
Automated BSP Reconciliation
Nucore automates GSD data extraction to a level of detail that allows – as a simple example – the automation of a “No-ADC” ticket reissue that otherwise would be processed manually.
Another example is capturing GDS debit and credit information enabling excess and short billings to be automatically matched and applied to outstanding ADMs and ACMs. Detailed GDS data capture allows Nucore to fully automate an agency’s BSP reconciliation process. According to Sabre, more than 40 hours of non-productive, high-skilled accounting labor can be avoided by the typical travel agency every month.
For Your Agency
Together, automating data extraction and BSP reconciliation improves an agency’s quality of service and competitiveness, eliminates revenue leakages, and improves profitability.
Complex accounting issues now automated lowering, not only reconciliation labor hours, but also the accounting skill level required to quickly and accurately resolve issues and avoid “second generation” ADMs from first-time error resolution attempts.
Managing day to day operations requires accurate and up-to-date information. Reconciling effectively and efficiently provides management insights not otherwise available and avoids financial problems before they occur.
An Invitation
The Nucore Agency Management Platform automates more GSD extraction and reconciliation functions than competitive systems. To see what Nucore can do for your agency, call and schedule an online demonstration with a Nucore systems representative today.
Nucore defines The Way Forward.